Do You See What I See?

 “With the stroke of my pen, on Day 1, we’re going to stop the transgender lunacy... Under the Trump administration, it will be the official policy of the United States government that there are only two genders: male and female. Doesn’t sound too complicated, does it?” 
—Donald Trump

It is. Simple answers are for simple people who are too small-minded to realize there's a better solution by taking the time to try a little empathy. I guess thinking, being complicated, makes people with little pea-brains have a tough time. It's a bit like playing chess with—well, take your pick between a toddler or a seagull, but either way, make sure it ends with a temper tantrum, an upturned board, and shit everywhere.

Anyway, what a loving season: soon to be Christmas Eve and we've got Christians and conservatives everywhere rejoicing! After all, last time around, according to some of them, Trump "wasn't hurting the people he needs to be hurting," and presumably, this time, the incoming, vile wave of hatred, bigotry, kleptocracy, and ignorance will result in the right people being hurt. Just like Jesus would have wanted—or else, well, if that's not what Jesus would've wanted, fuck him, he's a liberal preaching peace and love, we crucified him once already, what's God gonna do about it this time?

Years ago, I walked around the play fields with my mother during the time I was living in some apartments in the area. This was around my tonsillectomy thing—might've been a brief attempt at reconciliation after that damn ordeal. I can even pinpoint it because mummy dearest complained about this:

"We'll never buy anything from him again," she said (they have bought every album since and only not attended his concerts due to them being sold out or more expensive than what they're willing to spend). She then proceeded to explain that she never realized Bruce Springsteen was a pedophile who wanted "the trans" to be able to go into bathrooms and hurt children because what other reason is there for people to use the bathroom they identify as?*

It's the same kind of transphobia you see all over the fuckin' place today, main-streamed by the right-wing until it culminated in shit like the above or Nancy Mace wearing a cast around as a stunt because she.... gasp shook hands with a trans activist and then, after finding out, decided to falsely report it as an assault. Because she's a cu—wait, something about lacking depth and warmth...

Anyway, I had a conversation with mummy dearest another time where I brought up an old friend from high school. One of my closest friends, though unfortunately we do not interact so often anymore. Anyway, after high school, we hadn't spoken for a while and my old pal tells me she's trans, which is great. A person should be able to be who they are. And this friend: one of the kindest hearted, most compassionate, understanding people you could hope to meet. Real brilliant, too, whenever we talked about what we were studying, she ran circles around me.

So I challenged my mom on this, pointed out that did she really think this person, who she had met multiple times, just wanted to go into the bathroom, "or do you think she just wants to take a piss in peace?"**

Well, mom didn't like that.

But you know what I don't like?

I don't like that I didn't think to say, "Well, mom, if we're talking about people who shouldn't be allowed in public bathrooms for fear of what they might do to children, how about we talk about my older half-brother?"

After all, she knows that he used to tie me up and abuse me. She knows he did it to my half-sister before I was in his preferred age range. And, well, given the amount of unsupervised access he had around the daycare because he was "good with the kids" whenever he was at home...

I know which one I find more concerning, but hey, it's easier to be a bigot and point at someone who looks or acts a little outside what's considered the conservative norm—which, of course, flies in the face of all we know about how most abusers are close to home, meaning that this ignorance and bigotry is also serving to enable abusers. So let's talk about people who do hurt kids instead of pinning abuse on people who want to piss in peace (and who doesn't want to piss in peace? Nobody likes pinching off a stream.)

But hey, that's the world we live in. After all, the report on the guy who was supposed to be Attorney General came out today and, boy oh boy, talk about media carrying water and whitewashing. Gaetz "hired sex workers" who were "seventeen years old."

That's a fancy way, dressed up in legalese, to say, "Matt Gaetz paid to [statutorily] rape a kid."

Let's not discuss how someone that young ends up in sex work most likely (hint hint: it begins with "human" and ends with "trafficking.")

Before he got busy deleting the tweets where the German terrorist praised him (the terrorist supported Musk and German neo nazi party AfD; in response to the attack, Elon tweeted his support for... neo nazi party AfD), the world's richest man was all-in on pedophile Gaetz. 

For anyone into literary references, 'Changing the story in real time and destroying the evidence' are very similar to the 'We have always been at war with...' and 'Memory Hole' parts of 1984 

Pretty grandiose words for a kid fucker who looks like God had a laugh testing what a real life Butt-Head would look like...

Once again, I feel safe saying the future offered by these right-wing nutcases is not the one we want.

"Matt Gaetz is our Hammer of Justice," he says, "As for these accusations against him, I consider them worth less than nothing."

And yet, now those claims have been proven. Personally, I read this as a certain richest person on the planet probably projecting when he called that cave diver "pedo guy." Perverts of a feather stick together, and it's not like we don't know about Elon's Handjobs 4 Horsies.

Kid-diddler Gaetz is, of course, a self-made man. So self-made he was born into a well-off political family and has connections that ensure he never has had to face consequences for his crimes, like, say—well, I think we all know the one I find most abhorrent and deserving of the "lock him up and throw away the key" treatment.

And, even worse? He's more likely to see the inside of the Senate than the inside of a cell. Because that's the world we fuckin' live in. Gaetz, like Palpatine or a bad case of hemorrhoids, might be back:

Pedophiles of a feather flock together, there's Donny coming to Matty's defense after Elon has.
Where's the "Hide Yo' Kids, Hide Yo' Wife" guy when you need him? 

Kid-Fucker Gaetz still has Donald and the party's support, it seems.

Republicans are just like my family, they all rally around to protect the kid-diddler!

There's Trumpy! Let's look at a peek of his sordid past involving kids: he used to like to talk about infant Tiffany's legs and what her tits'd look like when she grew up but Ivanka ended up being more his style, leading to any number of public comments over the years and, sickeningly but not surprisingly, apparently wondering aloud how it'd be to fuck her. Party of Keeping It In The Family—er, Family Values, I guess?

(Reminds me of when dad used to 'rate' my half-sister and tell me where he'd put her on a 1-10 scale at the time of her visit and whether she was fuckable. He would do this for all family members. While normal people realize you don't rate your fucking family on a scale of sexual attractiveness, it sometimes seems that's the only connection he has to his family. He's really a twisted old fuck).***

Who are these people, I wonder?

Anyway, back to big-picture creep conservatives, not your local neighborhood conservative creeps: Trumpy also liked to talk about walking in on nude kids at beauty pageants—so, yeah, you know all those fears about perverts staking out child beauty pageants? Great work America, ya just elected one of those guys president.

Anyway, it just makes you wonder: who exactly are these assholes championing? 

Elon kickin' it with a certain BFF of Jeff Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell.
Yes, her name is apparently pronounced like Jizz-Lane which really strains the fourth wall of reality for on-the-nose naming.

I certainly wouldn't trust them to stand up for abuse survivors. Or minorities. Or the LGBTQ community. Or children. Or workers. Or law enforcement. Or veterans. Or... anyone. 

Frankly, a lot of the behaviors assholes like this engage in seem like things that should land people with long sentences behind prison bars instead of shitloads of cash and praise and power. But as Ray Velcoro said, "My strong suspicion is we get the world we deserve."

Merry Christmas Eve, here's to hoping at least some of the victims out there have abusers with hearts that grow three sizes today instead of erections that grow to three inches.

*This isn't too surprising; growing up, she had a conniption about the time the Dixie Chicks went onstage and burned the American flag before telling the audience how they hated the troops and wanted them all dead, and 9/11 was fully justified. Don't remember that? Yeah, it's probably because it never happened and they never did that. But mom's got a natural taste for polemics!

**Another story that lingers with me from this friend about bigotry: a time in elementary school she had been called the n-word by other students on the playground. When she told the recess monitor, the response was, "Well, isn't that what you are?"

***I'd like to talk about another family member—well, I consider her family, but a little more context.

Back when I did some volunteer work at the food bank, my folks'd make comments about whether I'd seen M, let's call him. M was a cousin of mine, a son of grandma's oldest daughter. She was considered to be the most kindhearted and compassionate of all of grandma's children. She hosted our annual Christmas get-togethers and there were all sorts of lovely stories that came out after she, unfortunately, passed, such as how she would always ensure there were extra presents kept wrapped and tagged upstairs in case someone brought an unexpected guest, they wouldn't feel left out. Very, very wonderful woman.

That's Baby Frank in the beanie I had until recently, which was a gift from this wonderful aunt; it helped keep my head warm in the winter and helped keep him warm when he was too small to do it himself as a malnourished runt.

Anyway, one of her sons, M, used to have a bit of a rough time. We all do. So whenever I'd be at the food bank, I'd come home to a snarky remark about whether I'd seen M there before a rant about how he's a bum and a loser and blah, blah, blah—and, to be frank, I never encountered him there. But I did encounter a lot of people who were very grateful for the help they got and didn't deserve that kind of disdain.

Anyway, M has a child and I don't believe he's married to his former partner, but I consider them all family as well. M was fun the few times we interacted, but it was after I moved back to some apartments in my hometown that I bumped into his partner (or former? Not sure, we never went into that) working at Ivar's. We talked a bit as I ordered, I was dating a very wonderful person at the time, and so we thought it over and the next time before we went to Ivar's, we figured to spirit of the season it and buy some art supplies. M's partner had said their son had an aptitude for art, so we went and picked some up and dropped them off, were real happy.

Last I spoke to my cousin, her son graduated earlier this year and she said he still has a passion for art, which is pretty cool, I think. 

The only time this came up around my parents, I still only heard a rant about them being bums, how I'd wasted my money, and my dad's negative opinion of this good woman's physical appearance. People are worth more than that. Since then, they have decided that being proud of myself when I do a good deed "defeats the purpose" and therefore, me using examples like this to illustrate my points makes them just as bad as they are for, uh, you know, doing unspeakable crimes to children.

My dad tells me he used to sort of mentor M, that he was a regular at the party house my dad and his twin used to own. I dunno about that, cause last I heard about the pair: dad told me all this awful shit M had said about his old man at a funeral. Except when I asked other attendees, no one else remembered that, they said he gave a heartfelt eulogy for his old man.

My folks, after all, are always great about not speaking ill of the dead. Hah. Mom doesn't even wait for the body to cool after she gets the news to start celebrating death.
